Misappropriation of Property'
Criminal misappropriation of property
Misappropriation is the legal word for the fraudulent use or appropriation of another person's property with the intention of capitalizing it for one's own use. Criminal misappropriation can also occur when someone gains possession of something without intending to, but then changes their mind or learns of some previously unknown aspects. Therefore, once the facts are revealed, holding onto a property becomes dishonest and illegal.
Dishonest misappropriation of property is specifically addressed under Section 403 of the Indian Penal Code. In contrast, section 404 deals with the dishonest misappropriation of the deceased's possessions at the time of his death. The Indian Penal Code's Section 403 defines "Dishonest Misappropriation of Property" but does not define the word "Criminal Misappropriation of Property." In addition, the crime of theft is where the crime of misappropriation of property comes from. The act of owning another person's property and using it without the owner's consent is referred to as misappropriation.
For an instance, A discovers a letter and a cash, for instance, while driving. He determines who the said note belongs to base on the letter's contents and instructions. He nevertheless appropriates the sum for his own use. According to this provision, he is guilty of misappropriating property. However, he would have been deemed innocent if he had attempted to track down the correct owner to return it. Last but not least, it is illegal to misappropriate property on a temporary or permanent basis.
The fundamentals of Criminal misappropriation of property
Criminal misappropriation of property has the following essential elements-
- Any movable item must be the subject of the dispute,
- It must belong to the complainant or victim,
- It must have been misappropriated by the accused or changed for his use, and
- It must be used dishonestly.
Points to consider for criminal misappropriation of property
TCriminal law stipulates that the property mentioned in section 403 must be the complainant's property. However, the claimed property must be in the accused person's possession because only when the disputed property is in someone's custody does the misappropriation offense become legally valid. Since no one possesses the stolen property, the offense of criminal misappropriation of property is not fully committed.
The complainant's legal ownership of the subject property must also be established as the first element of the case. Additionally, it must be demonstrated that the accused has possession of the property in question, and also is a movable property.
The Hon'ble Supreme Court ruled in Velji Raghavji Patel v. State of Maharashtra (AIR 1965 SC 1433) that a court lacks the power to tell someone how to spend their own money. Additionally, in a partnership, if one person uses the resources of the company, he is responsible to the other partners and must shoulder the responsibility. But under section 403 of the Indian Penal Code, the accused cannot be found guilty of the same offense.
In "Ramaswamy Nadar v. State of Madras" (AIR 1958 SC 56), the Trial Court further ruled against the accused, holding that the money collected from the audience and participants must have been used for rewarding the winner rather than paying off his debtors. The Hon'ble Supreme Court overturned it, stating that the trial court ought to have told the accused how to spend his money. In addition, he was legally entitled to the money received. Thus, the accused was declared innocent by the judge.
Dishonest misappropriation of property belonging to a deceased person
According to Section 404 of the IPC, whoever dishonestly converts or misappropriates to his use any property, knowing that such a property was in the deceased person's possession at the time of his death and has since not been in the custody of any person legally entitled to such possession, will be punished with imprisonment for a term that can reach three years, as well as being liable to pay a fine, and if in case the offender has served as a servant then seven years imprisonment may be served.
The basics of an unlawful misappropriation of property belonging to a deceased
Section 404 of the Indian Penal Code must be invoked in the following circumstances-
- Any movable property must constitute the subject property;
- Such property was in the deceased person's possession when he passed away;
- The defendant converted or misappropriated it for his own use;
- The accused acted dishonestly in doing so; and
- The offense mentioned in this section is not cognizable, not compoundable, bailable, and triable by a magistrate of the first class.
Penalties For criminal property misappropriation
- Section 403- The accused is subject to a fine, a term of imprisonment of up to two years, or both.
- Section 404- The accused is subject to up to three years in prison, a fine, or both. However, the accused will face a sentence of up to three years in prison if they were the deceased person's servant, clerk, or any other employee.
How can Estabizz assist you?
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The fundamentals of Criminal misappropriation of property
Points to consider for criminal misappropriation of property
Dishonest misappropriation of property belonging to a deceased person
The basics of an unlawful misappropriation of property belonging to a deceased
Penalties For criminal property misappropriation
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