Stock Audit
Stock Audit is considered as an important auditing term which refers to the physical verification of the inventory. Stock Audit involves the valuation of the inventory with reference to assignmnet. It is very important to consider the reason behind which the audit is conducted, as different audits have different approaches which definarely depends on the aim of conducting audit.
Stock Audit is a statutory procedure which us mandatory to be performed at least once in a financial year by every businesses. The process of conducting stock audit involves counting of physical stocks present in the specified premises and then verifying the same with the computerised stocks maintained by the company.The reason behind conducting stock audit is to correct the discrepancies present in the book stock when compared to physical stock by passing necessary adjustment entries in the books.
The stock audit is necessary for any business because it helps in:-
- Identifying slow-moving stock, deadstock, obsolete stock, and scrap
- discrepancies between book stocks and physical stock
- Finding discrepancies between book stocks and physical stocks
- proper preservation and handling of stocks
The key benefits of conducting stock audit are:-
- There is direct impact on cost and bottom-line
- To prevent pilferage and fraud
- Identifying slow-moving stock, deadstock, obsolete stock, and scrap
- As information of the accurate inventory value
- reduces gaps between the inventory management process
- As special arrangements for third party opinion, including for agent warehouses
- As a good control mechanism in running the business
Purpose to Conduct Stock Audit
Stock Audit is conducted by institutions to ensure:
- Proper Preservation and Storage of Stock.
- To identify the obsolete and Non-moving stock.
- To check whether the stock is insured against all the risks.
- To verify the ownership of the borrower in stock and that finance is made only against the paid value of shares.
- To tally the book debts .
Documents Required for Stock Audit
The documents required for stock Audit are listed below:-
- From the Bank Branch Officials
- Sanction Letter.
- Stock Statement duly certified by a CA. for the previous month
- Bank Statement for the last three months.
- Particulars of Collateral Security need to be checked.
- In case of Company, Copy of Form No. 8 & 32 for creation or modification of Charge.
- From the Borrower
- Stock Statement as on the date of verification.
- Trial balance or Provisional Balance Sheet as on the date of verification.
Copy of the latest audited balance sheet.
- Insurance Policy.
- Figures of Purchase and Sales for last 6 months as well as for current month till date of verification.
- Invoices of Purchases & Sales, Stock Register, & other supporting Documents for verifying internal controls.
- Method of valuation followed for Inventory with detailed working.
- Copy of latest Excise or GST Returns filed.
- Break up of Sales into export and domestic.
- Details of non-moving and obsolete stock and also stock held for more than six months.
- ABC analysis of stocks based on the value of annual consumption of major items. (Only if Available).
- Products manufactured with details of licensed capacity, installed capacity and actual utilized capacity.
- Month-wise details of purchases and sales, stock, debtors and creditors for the previous six months.
- Copy of Incorporation of the Company.