
Swedish Company Registration: An Overview

A developed nation in the Nordic region is Sweden. It exists in Northern Europe and provides investors with a variety of chances. Its borders are shared by Finland and Norway in terms of area. The Swedish government provides a variety of options for foreign investors to conduct business there.


A Swedish corporation may have 100% foreign ownership. Therefore, having a permanent director is not necessary. Since their information does not have to be made public, shareholders and directors can enjoy greater privacy. Sweden is ranked 14th in the world for business accessibility. Investors would therefore find it easy to register a corporation in Sweden.

Benefits that are specific to companies with fewer than 50 employees are available. This would include any government funds up to a 35% rate that aid in the purchase of equipment and other supplies. 20% of the cost of renting office space and up to 45% of the cost of installing machinery in the business are covered by subsidies. Sweden moves quickly and makes adjustments to the environment as it changes in the telecoms industry. An investor must complete the Swedish company registration process for all of the aforementioned reasons.

Benefits of Swedish Company Registration

The advantages of registering a company in Sweden are as follows:

Efficiency of Business

Sweden is ranked 14th in the world for business accessibility. Investors would therefore find it easy to register a corporation in Sweden. Since Sweden permits foreign ownership, a foreign person may own 100% of a Swedish company.

Governmental Subsidies and Incentives

The Swedish government provides many advantages to investors. Benefits that are specific to companies with fewer than 50 employees are available. This would include any government funds up to a 35% rate that aid in the purchase of equipment and other supplies. 20% of the cost of renting office space and up to 45% of the cost of installing machinery in the business are covered by subsidies.


The world's 11th-ranked country for technological advancements is Sweden. This would be in the fields of communications and information technology.

Zones of Free Trade

Within Sweden, there are more than three free trade zones. These free trade zones offer various advantages to Swedish-registered businesses. Sweden has many sorts of bilateral and multilateral agreements with nations that are part of the European Union's Economic Bloc.


Sweden is ranked among the top 10 nations for combating money laundering and corruption, according to the global transparency index. An investor should register a business in Sweden for all the aforementioned reasons.

Structures of Companies That May Be Registered in Sweden

An investor may register a company in Sweden using one of the following business structures-

Limited Company

Another name for this sort of organization is "Sw. aktiebolag, AB." Typically, just one shareholder is needed to create this kind of organization. The shareholders and directors of this kind of business would be subject to the concept of limited liability. The shareholders are not personally liable.

The Swedish Companies Registration Office must receive all documents necessary to compliance with the limited company. The most popular business structure used by an investor to register a company in Sweden is this one. In Sweden, a set amount of corporate income tax, which is assessed at a rate of 21.4%, must be paid by all limited firms.

Trading Partnership

This kind of organization is also referred to as a "Sw. handelsbolag, HB." The Swedish Companies Registration Office must receive all documents relevant to the Trading Partnership's compliance. For this kind of company to be incorporated, there would need to be two or more people who are known as partners. The term "handelsbolag" must appear in the partnership's name. Since the partners are not covered by the limited liability principle, they would be held personally accountable. Both partners must file their own personal income taxes and make Social Security contributions.

Limited Partnership

This kind of organization is also referred to as a "Sw. kommanditbolag, KB." The number of partners will be greater than two, and they may be either natural persons or legal entities. One of the partners would be regarded as the general partner, and the other as a limited partner. The limited partner's liability would be capped at the amount of the capital contribution whereas the general partner's liability would be unbounded. The term "kommanditbolag" must be in the partnership's name. The Swedish Companies Registration Office must receive all paperwork relating to the Limited Partnership.

Branch Office

This kind of organization is often referred to as a "Sw. filial, Branch." The branch office is just a continuation of the parent company and is permitted to engage in activities that are within their purview of the foreign patent company. The branch office wouldn't have its own legal identity, but its overseas parent corporation would be responsible for any liabilities. The term "Filial" must be in the partnership's name.

Qualifications for Swedish Company Registration

The following qualifications must be met in order to register a business in Sweden:

Needed Minimum Capital

In order to register a corporation in Sweden, an applicant must have a minimum of 25,000 Swedish kronor. This might be expressed in a comparable European currency. This would be equivalent to around 2,500 Euros if it were expressed in Euros. A public limited business needs at least 500,000 Swedish Kronor to operate.

The bare minimum of board members

To comply with the company’s requirements, a limited corporation needs a certain minimum number of board members. A private limited company must have a minimum of one member, while a public limited corporation must have three board members.

Mandatory appointment of an auditor

A private limited company is not required to appoint an auditor; as a result, the choice to do so rests with the business. An auditor must be appointed by law by any public firm. All annual compliance and report filing requirements would be fulfilled by an auditor.

Swedish Company Registration Process

In Sweden, the following procedure must be followed for company registration:
  • Incorporating the Company- An applicant seeking to form a corporation in Sweden must first register the company with the relevant government agency, called "Bolagsverket." Additionally, the business would need to register with the relevant Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket).
  • Complete the application- The applicant would then need to complete the application form. In Sweden, a limited corporation must be registered using application form 816e. The applicant would need to pay a charge of SEK 2200 to register the company.
  • Requirements for Foreign Residence- For a corporation to be registered in Sweden, at least 50% of the board of directors must be based in the EEA. The applicant may submit an application for the exemption if the aforementioned requirement is not met.
  • Memorandum of Association- The company's shareholders formally drafted the memorandum of association, or stiftelseurkund. A Swedish draft of this text is required. The MOA must contain the following details-

    a. Information about the company's founders

    b. The company's share price, if it is a public corporation.

    a. Company name

    b. A complete listing of the company's board of directors

    c. Information about the auditors.

  • Article of Association- All of the company's bylaws would be contained in and represented by the Articles of Association. The paperwork needed to incorporate a Swedish corporation must be written in Swedish and submitted to the registrar. The articles of association must contain the following details-

    a. Information about the company.

    b. Shares outstanding

    c. The business's operations.

  • Company Shares Through Subscription- A public limited company must have at least SEK 500,000 and SEK 25,000 in capital to register as a corporation in Sweden. It's possible that only subscribers or the company's founders can join. This implies that the company's founders would have to purchase stock.
  • Sign the memorandum- The application would then need the applicant to sign the memorandum of association.
  • Add attachments to files online- All of the aforementioned paperwork, along with the articles of incorporation and memorandum of association, must be submitted electronically using application form number 816e. The following website can be used to complete this using an online process. The electronic service, however, would only be provided in Swedish.
  • Company registrar- The official registrar of corporations, known as the "Company Registrar," or "Bolagsverket," makes decisions regarding applications to establish new businesses. The certificate of incorporation would be sent to the company once it had been registered.
Branch Office

For a branch office, the following procedure is used (Company Registration in Sweden)-

  • The international parent business must decide whether to open a branch office in Sweden.
  • The board and the shareholders must both approve the resolution.
  • The Managing Directors would be chosen if it were accepted.
  • For the branch office, additional essential executives would be hired as well, such as a deputy manager, auditor, and Swedish Representative.

Requirements for Swedish company registration

Once the company has been established, the following compliances are necessary in Sweden.
  • Shareholders Meeting: An yearly shareholders meeting is mandated for limited companies. This would determine the company's requirements.
  • Board Meeting: According to the relevant statute, a board meeting is not necessary.
  • Company Tax- Limited Companies must pay the appropriate tax authority 21.4% in tax (corporate tax). Partnerships are required to submit both personal and partnership tax returns. Branch offices would also need to submit tax returns.

Documents Needed

The following paperwork is necessary for Swedish company registration-
  • Article of Association
  • Board of directors' operating procedures
  • Board resolutions for the organization
  • Certificates for shares
  • Share ledger
  • 816e, the application form number
  • Information about the appointment of key management executives
  • Resolution of the foreign office.

How to Contact Estabizz for company formation in Sweden?

  • Fill the form.
  • Get a call back.
  • Submit the required documents.
  • Track the progress of your application.
  • Get the expected results.


  • LLP is an alternative corporate business form that gives the benefits of limited liability of a company and the flexibility of a partnership.
  • The LLP can continue its existence irrespective of changes in partners. It is capable of entering into contracts and holding property in its own name.
  • The LLP is a separate legal entity, is liable to the full extent of its assets but liability of the partners is limited to their agreed contribution in the LLP.
  • Further, no partner is liable on account of the independent or un-authorized actions of other partners, thus individual partners are shielded from joint liability created by another partner’s wrongful business decisions or misconduct.
  • Mutual rights and duties of the partners within a LLP are governed by an agreement between the partners or between the partners and the LLP as the case may be. The LLP, however, is not relieved of the liability for its other obligations as a separate entity.

Since LLP contains elements of both ‘a corporate structure’ as well as ‘a partnership firm structure’ LLP is called a hybrid between a company and a partnership.

LLP shall be a body corporate and a legal entity separate from its partners. It will have perpetual succession.

LLP form is a form of business model which:

(i) is organized and operates on the basis of an agreement.

(ii) provides flexibility without imposing detailed legal and procedural requirements

(iii) enables professional/technical expertise and initiative to combine with financial risk-taking capacity in an innovative and efficient manner

The LLP structure is available in countries like United Kingdom, United States of America, various Gulf countries, Australia and Singapore. On the advice of experts who have studied LLP legislations in various countries, the LLP Act is broadly based on UK LLP Act 2000 and Singapore LLP Act 2005. Both these Acts allow creation of LLPs in a body corporate form i.e. as a separate legal entity, separate from its partners/members.
  • Under “traditional partnership firm”, every partner is liable, jointly with all the other partners and also severally for all acts of the firm done while he is a partner.
  • Under LLP structure, liability of the partner is limited to his agreed contribution. Further, no partner is liable on account of the independent or un-authorized acts of other partners, thus allowing individual partners to be shielded from joint liability created by another partner’s wrongful acts or misconduct
  • A basic difference between an LLP and a joint stock company lies in that the internal governance structure of a company is regulated by statute (i.e. Companies Act, 1956) whereas for an LLP it would be by a contractual agreement between partners.
  • The management-ownership divide inherent in a company is not there in a limited liability partnership.
  • LLP will have more flexibility as compared to a company.
  • LLP will have lesser compliance requirements as compared to a company.

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