

Hello and welcome to Estabizz.com!

It is essential to clarify the specific terms and conditions for our service to avoid future misunderstandings. Because we operate online, the chances of us ever meeting in person are exceedingly slim. As a result, it is essential that we clearly state the terms and conditions, which the consumer must carefully read before signing any contracts with Estabizz Fintech.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. In this agreement, we refer to the Estabizz Fintech services as "services," you as "client" or "user," and this agreement as "agreement."

1. Estabizz Fintech is a platform that connects clients with skilled advisers.

Estabizz Fintech is a platform with a large network of independent professionals that provide a range of services to consumers on an individual basis, such as legal, tax, audit, licensing, and so on.

Estabizz Fintech simply connects independent professionals and clients; the independent professional is responsible for delivering the client's service demands. Estabizz Fintech is not a party to this. Furthermore, Estabizz Fintech does not provide legal advice since we are not a law firm. We only accept customer inquiries and refer them to certified experts.

If a dispute emerges between the customer and the professional advisor, the client cannot bind Estabizz Fintech or any member firm. We have a network of specialists, and we pay them based on the order request provided by the consumer to the independent professional. To pay the professional, we must first collect funds from the consumer in line with the terms agreed upon between the professional and Estabizz Fintech. Estabizz Fintech's position as a mediator is clear from this, since it does not facilitate independent professional and client interactions.

Estabizz Fintech only works with independent professionals and does not support any professional-client or attorney-client relationship. When a client submits a document to Estabizz Fintech, no relationship between the professional and the client is created. • Estabizz Fintech will never promote a customer or independent contractor.

Anyone seeking advice or help with any aspect of the legislation, taxation, licensing, and so on may contact us via our website. We then search our network for the best professional to fulfil your request. We never, however, utilise our website to promote any clients or professions.

Estabizz Fintech does not offer a channel for solicitation.

We often ask customers to fill out their private information as soon as they make a request on our website, but this information is not shared with the consultant until the client and consultant exchange messages. The consultant cannot view such customer information.

Estabizz Fintech does not provide consultancy.

Estabizz Fintech just provides the following steps for the client's request. Even the material on our website is limited to basic facts; we never provide advice to our customers. It is not intended to constitute advice on any subject.

  • Disclaimer about user representation

  • Estabizz Fintech disclaims all obligation and makes no express or implicit promises, guarantees, or assurances about the legal ability, competency, or grade of the work done by our network of independent professionals. The experts work independently; they are not employees of Estabizz Fintech. As a consequence, Estabizz Fintech is not responsible for the services it provides.

    Please keep in mind that Estabizz Fintech and none of our employees are attorneys, consultants, or other types of professionals. In addition, we are a corporation that provides consumers with legal, tax, and other sorts of advice. As a result, no information on our website or papers sent directly to you may be utilised as part of any Estabizz Fintech advise material.

    To accomplish your service request, a competent professional must be accessible. As a result, choosing the right decision is the most crucial decision you must make. By using our website to buy services, you authorize us to choose the best expert for you. If you disagree with this provision, you should not use our services.

    Laws, rules, and regulations are always changing, and various areas have distinct laws and regulations. As a consequence, the material on this website is intended for general information only, and we offer no assurances that it will be accurate in all circumstances.

    We do not form any type of advocate-client relationship by assisting our clients, and if you use it for whatever reason, it does not indicate that we have.
  • User Guidelines

  • Estabizz Fintech's users and customers have a nonexclusive, limited right to utilise our service under the conditions mentioned in the service contract. It is advised to take all necessary steps and follow business policy in order to keep the order under surveillance. Estabizz Fintech has the right to deny or terminate any client's services if they are found to be in violation of any corporate rules or for any other reason.

    The users involved in any of the following services will be terminated from the use of services: -

  • If a user uses vulgar or unsuitable language or makes any kind of racist, prejudiced, or disrespectful statements, they will not be approved. Please remember that you should never try to access Estabizz Fintech's or another user's private service system. We don't put our service's or its customers' security in danger.

  • Any material that invades someone's privacy or uses harassing or abusive language is not acceptable.

  • Instigating bodily injury or violence against any group or person, or teaching any kind of criminal behaviour.

  • Regardless of age, ethnicity, creed, or nationality, they are disparaging anybody or any group of people

  • Violation of someone else's rights, including but not limited to intellectual property rights. This includes using the service to violate copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights, such as by providing links to or pirated versions of software, offering data used to get around copy-protection measures put in place by manufacturers, such as serial or registration numbers for software programmes, or using any cracker utilities (including files solely designed for game emulation).

  • breaking any Internet standards or trying to do so. • It is forbidden to use material that is harassing, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or tortuous or to violate the privacy of another user.
  • Disclaimer of Information and other content

    Disclaimer of Information or details received at the time of Service

    Estabizz Fintech is a platform that provides consultation and advisory services to our clients by sending their inquiries to independent specialists in our network. We choose the professional that best meets your ultimate need based on your requirements and the bundle you select.

    Estabizz Fintech attempts to provide the best service possible to its clients, but we make no promises or warranties concerning the accuracy or adequacy of the material. Estabizz Fintech assumes no liability for how you use or interpret the information on this website. Furthermore, the proprietor of the website does not intentionally include any links on our website that redirect readers to any other website. As a consequence, we expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any external links on our website. If any of the information on our website includes links to other websites, we accept no responsibility for the veracity or accuracy of the linked content.

    Estabizz Fintech makes every effort to verify independent professional consultants who join our network, but we cannot control or track all of their activities or services. Estabizz Fintech hence disclaims all obligation for any professional consultants' credentials and services.

    Estabizz Fintech cannot monitor or verify every document sent to a customer by a professional consultant; thus, customers are advised to check and read all of them.

    Estabizz Fintech makes no representations or warranties about the authenticity or content of any offers, claims, or guarantees made by any professional consultants or other parties on or off this website.

    Disclaimer of information or feedback provided by reviews, comments, or feedback, or any other format

    Estabizz Fintech may permit visitors to contribute reviews, comments, and other material on the website at various times (the "user content"). Users even post their feedback on third-party websites. Estabizz Fintech does not publish or generate such user material. It solely preserves and distributes the ideas and points of view that Estabizz Fintech users choose to submit and post as user content. Estabizz Fintech does not own this material. If Estabizz Fintech discovers any objectionable material, we will delete it as quickly as possible. Estabizz Fintech will eventually evaluate whether or not such content is objectionable.

    Limitations on use

    This website's information may not be used for commercial purposes; it is exclusively for personal use. Any work or information published on the Estabizz Fintech website may not be reverse engineered, decompiled, disassembled, rented, leased, lent, sold, sublicensed, or duplicated. No one is authorised to employ network monitoring or any other software to manipulate the layout of the website or the user data. Estabizz Fintech strictly prohibits anybody from copying any content from our website in any way without first obtaining permission from Estabizz Fintech's authorities.

    Furthermore, without the express permission of Estabizz Fintech, no one may copy, modify, reproduce, republish, distribute, display, or use any information for commercial, philanthropic, or other purposes.


    Estabizz Fintech goes to great lengths to ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the information you supply to us, including the documents and independent professional database. Furthermore, Estabizz Fintech has no control over the acts of others and is not liable for any sensitive information disclosed by them.

    It is recommended that the client not furnish us with any personal information until a consultant is assigned to them. While registering for the service, the user needs only state their concern succinctly. Estabizz Fintech denies any and all duty for information breaches caused by technical issues or other factors.

    The clause related to Indemnity

    Our client accepts that any damage caused by utilising our service is not the responsibility of Estabizz Fintech. The user undertakes to indemnify, defend, and hold Estabizz Fintech harmless from and against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage, or expenditure originating from or in connection with the service's contents or usage. The user additionally undertakes to indemnify Estabizz Fintech for any expenses connected with any claim arising from or related to the use of the service. The User acknowledges that this indemnification and defence extends to any violations of the Agreement or the above-mentioned representations, warranties, and covenants made by the User. The client also acknowledges that this indemnification and defence will completely cover our expert consulting costs and expenses.

    The consumer understands and agrees that the indemnification agreement also covers Estabizz Fintech, its employees, founders, and other members. In the case of indemnification, Estabizz Fintech reserves the right to handle any issue, and the user is not entitled to settle any such scenario on his own without prior written agreement from Estabizz Fintech.

    Loss of Data

    Estabizz Fintech will not be held liable for any data loss caused by an unforeseen or accidental action, such as a network outage, file deletion, failure to backup files, and so on.

    Disclosure of information

    By uploading content to or submitting materials for use on Estabizz Fintech, you grant Estabizz Fintech the royalty-free, perpetual, non-exclusive right and licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create, and distribute such materials in any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed (or represent and warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted such right and licence). Estabizz Fintech, on the other hand, guarantees that no private information will be willfully disclosed or exposed to any third party.

    Unlawful Acts and remedies for the same

    Estabizz Fintech reserves the right to investigate reported grievances or violations of the agreement and to take whatever action Estabizz Fintech deems necessary, including but not limited to reporting any suspected illegal activity to law enforcement officials, regulators, or other third parties and disclosing any information necessary or appropriate to such persons or entities relating to user profiles, e-mail addresses, usage history, posted materials, IP addresses, and other information.

    Estabizz Fintech reserves the right to pursue all legal and equitable remedies for breaches of the agreement, including, but not limited to, the right to impede access to Estabizz Fintech and its services from a specific Internet address.
    10. Incorporating a connection to Estabizz Fintech

    Users may distribute links to the homepage "Estabizz Fintech.com" as long as they do not modify, obscure, frame, or degrade any component of the website, the homepage, or the Estabizz Fintech name.

    When you make a request on our website, Estabizz Fintech may require you to fill out a form. As a consequence, you must give us with correct information, and it is your obligation to notify us if your information changes.
    12. Specific clause severability

    The terms and conditions and privacy statement of the firm outline all of the characteristics of the agreement between the client and Estabizz Fintech. If any of the provisions are found to be in contradiction, just that one will be declared unlawful and unenforceable, not the whole policy.

    Estabizz Fintech's Limitation of Liability and Warranty

    We serve a large number of customers, thus there may be times when one client's behaviour conflicts with the purpose of another. In such cases, Estabizz Fintech may be held liable on behalf of the libellee. But what if a client uploads a file or piece of information to our system that contains a virus that may infect someone else's computer? In such a case, the libellous party will be held liable, and Estabizz Fintech will be released from further liability.

    Despite Estabizz Fintech's ongoing attempts to protect each client's interests, faults on our system may occur for a number of causes or as a consequence of third-party activity. Estabizz Fintech will never be held liable in such a situation. Estabizz Fintech disclaims and does not make any warranty of the services and accepts no liability for any use of the system since we are always working to improve it.

    • Warranties are being refused.
    The consumer understands and agrees to use the service at his or her own risk. Estabizz Fintech provides services based on what is already accessible. Estabizz Fintech makes no promise that the customer's request will be fulfilled, nor does it give any kind of warranty for any of its services. We cannot guarantee that the services will be secure, timely, uninterrupted, or error-free. Furthermore, we offer no warranties about the reliability of any work. Estabizz Fintech makes no implied guarantees with its advice or information.

    Liability Restrictions

    The client acknowledges and agrees that Estabizz Fintech shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages that may result from the use or inability to use the service, the cost of obtaining substitute goods and services, any goods or services purchased or obtained, messages received, or transactions entered into, through, or from the service, or that may result from unauthorised access.

    The customer also acknowledges that Estabizz Fintech is not liable for any damages caused by the service's suspension or termination, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, regardless of whether the interruption, suspension, or termination was legitimate, negligent, intentional, or unintentional.
  • Arbitration

  • In case any disputes arise between any of the parties and Estabizz Fintech, the issue will be resolved through the process of Arbitration.

  • Termination

  • If Estabizz Fintech discovers that the terms of service have been violated at any stage while providing the services, we retain the right to cancel the services immediately.

  • Changes made to any part of the website

  • We often update our website, particularly the terms and conditions and privacy policy. It becomes the user's responsibility to regularly check the website and thoroughly examine the material. The user will be regarded to have read and accepted the amended conditions of Estabizz Fintech if they use the website after the policy has been changed.

  • Changes made to Services

  • Estabizz Fintech has the right to alter or discontinue any services permanently or temporarily, even without notifying the customer in advance. Estabizz Fintech is not ever going to be held responsible for stopping or ending any services.

  • Changes made to Terms and Conditions

  • The terms and conditions may sometimes be updated by Estabizz Fintech, and the user is responsible for reviewing them often. Users will be presumed to have accepted the amended terms if they use the website or advisory services after a change to the website's terms and conditions.
  • Reservation of Rights and Ownership
  • Owner of Estabizz Fintech.com is Estabizz Fintech. All intellectual property rights, titles, and interests in and to the data, documents, trademarks, visuals, audio, and other materials made accessible on this website are owned by Estabizz Fintech. Nothing on this website, whether by estoppel, implication, or otherwise, should be construed as giving the user a licence under any of Estabizz Fintech's intellectual property rights. None of the contents may be used, downloaded, uploaded, posted, displayed, communicated, or distributed in any form unless specifically authorised by Estabizz Fintech. Contact us if you have any questions regarding obtaining such permissions. None of the other materials are sold, licenced, leased, or otherwise provided by Estabizz Fintech, with the exception of those that are clearly designated as being offered by that company​

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